Field Management of Chemical & Biological Casualties (FCBC)
ATRRS course is #6H-F37/300-F31 (School code 879)
Dates |
2023 |
Sep 18 – 22 |
Nov 13 – 17 |
2024 |
Feb 26 – Mar 1 |
Apr 22 – 26 |
- Classroom Instruction
- First Echelon Patient Management
- Medical Procedures In Protective Gear
- Field Exercises I, II & Ill
- Team-Based Triage & Decon Activities
- Unique Laboratory Activities
Will you recognize your casualties' strange and desperate symptoms? Do you have what it takes to save them? Chemical and biological casualties can and will survive if you have the right training!
The Field Management of Chemical and Biological Casualties Course (FCBC) is the best training of its kind in the world. Don't take our word for it; ask the Government Accountability Office or one of your buddies who has taken the course.
FCBC isn't another one of those PowerPoint™ torture chambers; this is a fun class. Sure, you spend some time in the classroom, but we know what you want: Hands on learning and time in the field.
During the five day course at Aberdeen Proving Ground, your three days of field training include lab time, procedure practice and three FTX events. You will perform "Mega Codes" in our simulation center using the newest and most advanced simulators Government money can buy. You will also be part of a team that prepares for the next really bad day in WMD land. There are no tuition fees. TDY requests are funded locally. Civilian personnel are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Credits available:
Up to 44.5 CME/CE/CEUs available for Physicians, Nurses, and EMTs.
This course can be placed on your ORB.
US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense
8350 Ricketts Point Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5400
Commercial Phone: 410-436-2230 | Fax: 410-436-3086 | DSN: 584-2230
Click here for more information »
Army Guard and Reserve Soldiers are eligible for free tuition and free CEU credits!